Earn money with links

Earning money with URL Shortener is easy and possible even without your own website. But how does it actually work? A URL Shortener is a simple service that allows you to shorten long URLs. A long website address (URL) is thus turned into a short link, which is also called a «short URL» or «URL alias».

In addition to ad-free services, there are also short URL services that pay money for advertising. The principle is simple: The shortened URL does not link immediately to the actual target, but first shows advertising. The forms of advertising vary from provider to provider, but often upstream advertising pages (so-called interstitials) or advertising frames are used.

Here is an example:

Example (with interstitial): The URL «https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qKXpQSDRsU» is turned into the short URL with the help of Linkvertise: «https://direct-link.net/228334/Dracula»

URL shorteners are suitable for webmasters who use many (external) links on their website or blog. But also people without their own website can earn money with shortened URLs, for example via Facebook, Twitter or forums. In general, however, caution is advised: There are a lot of black sheep here, which are often only online for a few months and never pay out. In the following I have deposited for you the best URL Shortener to earn money.

You can shorten your links (especially YouTube videos or TikTok clips) with Linkvertise and send the short links to friends via WhatsApp. This way you can easily earn money.

If you want to earn money online with a high payout then let me say this, Linkvertise pays the highest if you compare other link monetizer or link shorteners. It gives you 0.2$ per click or views means, 20 $ per 1000 Clicks or views. which is very high in the market right now.

Linkvertise pays through 4 methods; PayPal, Wire transfer, Local bank transfer and Check. You can choose any of this method to withdraw your earned money.

Register now and earn your money with links!